The Virtual Combat Convoy Trainer (VCCT) instructs service members in learning basic and advanced driving skills in the Humvee as well as avoiding danger areas and shooting on the move in a variety of weather visibility and vehicle operational conditions. Four separate Humvee systems are digitally linked and each Humvee can hold five trainees. The VCCT incorporates individual pneumatic small arms and crew-served weapons which can register hits. It also provides training on fire coordination between vehicles and calls for fire and close air support.
Alderson & Associates’ project for the Virtual Combat Convoy Training at Building 6012, Camp Bullis, Texas consisted of the placement of outside, inside and network infrastructure to place data and voice connectivity.
Alderson’s electrical design consisted of fiber and copper communication media between buildings 6012 and 5010, aerial guys and supports as required, patch panels in buildings 6012 and 5010, telecommunication bus bar and backboard, data equipment cabinet, power for equipment, and Omni lock for the communication room door.
Client: Tejas Premier
AAI: 1093